Checkbox For Xamarin.Forms

Xamarin.Forms is great. But, every now and then, it falls short on some basic modern controls e.g checkbox, radio buttons, cards, etc. Luckily, Xamarin community is large and very engaged with the platform. You can find plethora of custom controls or blogs on how to build custom controls for your project needs.

In recent years, I have created a bunch of custom controls that I am sure the community at large can benefit from. One such controls is a simple Checkbox. There are lots of implementations of checkbox available, but I wanted something simple and light, so I created one. Here’s how the checkbox works…

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Inject Static Libraries And Plugins In Xamarin (Prism.Forms)

When using a container for dependency injection in your Xamarin.Forms app, you may find yourself trying to use a plugin or library that is static that you want to register with your container. Having statics in our code makes it hard to test and causes coupling. In this post, I will demonstrate using Prism.Forms how to inject a static plugin or library that may or may not expose an abstraction.

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Prism.Forms EventAggregator

Using Prism.Forms EventAggregator with Xamarin.Forms

If you are building a Xamarin.Forms app, it should be a no-brainer that you use MVVM pattern for your code base. It should also be a no-brainer that you give Prism.Forms a try. It makes development fast and code easy to maintain with its plethora of built-in services such for navigation, dependency injection, alerts, events, etc.

I recently added a sample to Prism’s samples library on how to use cross-platform EventAggregator using Prism.Forms in a Xamarin.Forms app.

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